Springbrook State School as been awarded official active travel school status by the City of Gold Coast. This means we are committed to working with families and our broader school community to support our children in taking active forms of travel to and from school—such as walking, riding a bike or scooter or carpooling.
Good things happen when school communities active travel. Empowered children travel safely to and from school, help the environment, feel part of a community and have fun.
What is active school travel?
The City of Gold Coast runs the Active School Travel (AST) program for Gold Coast primary schools. Schools that are officially invited to join the program receive resources including a suite of free toolkits, incentives and support to enable students, parents, carers and teachers to:
- re-mode–swap the car for walking, wheeling and public transport
- reduce car trips by carpooling or combining trips
- re-route–take a slightly different route to avoid congested roads
Join our weekly active travel day You don’t have to change the way you travel every day of the week – just one day a week can make a difference. As an AST school, we have nominated Mondayas our weekly active travel day!
We’d love to see as many families in our school community picking active travel as the way to go on this day. Volunteer to help If you are interested in becoming involved in our active school travel community, please contact the school for details.
We’re always looking for volunteers who can help organise active travel events and activities, promote active travel in the school, lead walking groups to schools and enter data to record the weekly active travel surveys.
Parents and carers can join their school's AST Committee or help out on an event by event basis. Talk to your children Have conversations with your children about road safety, the active travel events being held at school, and the skills they are learning.
Road safety
Practicing safety while driving in school zones
School zones can be busy places, especially during the start and end of the school day—making them risky environments for both motorists and pedestrians.
School zones are frequented by some of the most vulnerable members of the community including children and their families. Children do not always understand the dangers of roads and vehicles, it is important for motorists to follow road safety rules and model correct road safety behaviour to protect children and teach them how to behave.
Pick-up and drop-off are the busiest times outside a school. With an increased number of pedestrians and vehicles around, motorists need to take care and abide by the enforced 40 km/h school zone limit to keep the roads safe for everyone.
When parking on school grounds or the roads and streets around school, and when moving through the drop-off and pick-up zone, take extra care.
Always obey signed parking rules to provide a safer environment for children.
School zone speed limits
When entering the zone, you will see a sign, which displays:
- the reduced speed limit
- times when this limit is in place.
Most school zones in Queensland operate from 7.00am–9.00am and 2.00pm–4.00pm.
Useful links