Learning and Growing Together
At Springbrook State School our moral purpose is to be advocates who make a difference for every child to succeed, every day. To give our students agency and voice so they grow to become active citizens in an ever changing world.
Springbrook State School is a vibrant community school, where students learn and grow together, inside and outside the classroom. This is evident in all classrooms and work spaces with personalised learning and differentiation occurring within all curriculum areas. The classroom environment is a warm and welcoming one where all students are valued and confident, being aware of their expectations and performance levels at all times. Individual goals and targets are set with and for each student and rigorous feedback is provided to students and caregivers in a regular and timely manner to inform future target setting.
Students at Springbrook State School learn and grow together within a multi-age context, providing an opportunity to utilise established and positive relationships with community groups located within both the local and wider school community. The utilisation of different group structures enables positive partnerships between all students, staff and community members. Springbrook State School provides a strong academic environment, where all students learn the knowledge and skills required for their future, and grow to be caring and contributing members of their community. There is a clear emphasis on critical and creative thinking through all curriculum areas. All staff are highly skilled and specialised in their fields as professional development is ongoing and all staff are clear and explicit in their expectations of students.
Springbrook State School provides an inspiring learning environment dedicated to developing a curious mind, assisting all students to realise their potential through deep learning, explicit instruction and quality relationships with all stakeholders within the school community. Celebrating our successes and fostering community-minded growth by working together on identified environmental projects within our community is a key feature of our success.